My official name is Kexin Wang and I also go by Ada.
I am a first year PhD student in Harvard University reading Applied Mathematics, under the supervision of Prof. Anna Seigal. Previously, I recieved a bachelor's and master's degree in Mathematics from University of Oxford. I wrote a master's thesis titled Algebraic Methods in Maximum Likelihood Estimation under the supervision of Dr. Jane Coons.
My research interest is applied algebraic geometry and especially I am interested in using algebraic geometry tools to understand problem in statistics and problems related to tensors. There are also a lot of other fascinating areas in algebraic geometry or applied algebraic geometry that I am eager to study in the future.
Apart from math, I enjoy spending time with cats. My family's cat is called GuaGua, he is a Chinese domestic cat. He is now in China with my parents. Another cat in my life is Tater, he is a black cat and he was adopted by my boyfriend from the shelter.
Check out their pictures on the right.
2023 -
Harvard University
PhD of Applied Mathematics
2022 - 2023
University of Oxford
Master in Mathematics
2019 - 2022
University of Oxford
BA in Mathematics