Conferences and Activities
2022.06 Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry, Krakow
Presented the work: Lower bounds on the rank and symmetric rank of real tensors
2024.04 Algebra Seminar in GIT, Atlanta
Presented the work: Identifiability of overcomplete indepdendent component analysis
2024.6-8​​​​​ Visit MPI MIS in Leipzig
2024.07 Nonlinear Algebra Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
Presented the work: A real generalized trisecant trichotomy
2024.08 Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry, Leipzig
​ Presented the work: Identifiability of overcomplete indepdendent component analysis
2024.10 Nonlinear Algebra Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
​ Presented: Computation of Hypersurface Arrangements
2024.10 SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science, Atlanta
​ Presented the work: Contrastive indepdendent component analysis
2024.10 SIAM Travel Award